All posts by tyler

Kaiser Health News: It’s Your Choice: You Can Change Your Views of Aging and Improve Your Life

People’s beliefs about aging have a profound impact on their health, influencing everything from their memory and sensory perceptions to how well they walk, how fully they recover from disabling illness, and how long they live. When aging is seen as a negative experience... Read more

Kaiser Health News: Insulin Copay Cap Passes House Hurdle, But Senate Looks for a Broader Bill

Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME) talks to reporters as she heads to the U.S. Capitol on Feb. 7, 2022, in Washington. (CHIP SOMODEVILLA / GETTY IMAGES) The chances of passing election-year legislation to help people afford insulin — which weeks ago seemed mired in political fightin... Read more

Retirees Praise Legislation to Reduce the Price of Insulin

Statement by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding House passage of H.R. 6833, the "Affordable Insulin Now Act.” “Seniors are applauding the House of Representatives for passing the Affordable Insulin Now Act, which will provid... Read more

Kaiser Health News: Pharma Cash to Congress

Every year, pharmaceutical companies contribute millions of dollars to U.S. senators and representatives as part of a multipronged effort to influence health care lawmaking and spending priorities. Use this tool to explore the sizable role drugmakers play in the campaign finance ... Read more

KHN: Covid’s ‘Silver Lining’: Research Breakthroughs for Chronic Disease, Cancer, and the Common Flu

  The billions of dollars invested in covid vaccines and covid-19 research so far are expected to yield medical and scientific dividends for decades, helping doctors battle influenza, cancer, cystic fibrosis, and far more diseases. “This is just the start... Read more

Retiree Organization Applauds House, Senate Passage of Bipartisan Postal Reform Bill

Legislation will shore up USPS finances, save $50 billion over ten years Statement by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding passage by the U.S. House of Representatives and Senate of H.R. 3076, the 2021 Postal Reform Act: “Older... Read more

KHN: As Covid Slogs On, Seniors Find Fortitude Waning and Malaise Growing

Late one night in January, Jonathan Coffino, 78, turned to his wife as they sat in bed. “I don’t know how much longer I can do this,” he said, glumly. Coffino was referring to the caution that’s come to define his life during the covid-19 pandemic. After tw... Read more

KHN: Why Millions on Medicaid Are at Risk of Losing Coverage in the Months Ahead

The Biden administration and state officials are bracing for a great unwinding: millions of people losing their Medicaid benefits when the pandemic health emergency ends. Some might sign up for different insurance. Many others are bound to get lost in the transition. S... Read more

KHN: Health Care Paradox: Medicare Penalizes Dozens of Hospitals It Also Gives Five Stars

The federal government has penalized 764 hospitals — including more than three dozen it simultaneously rates as among the best in the country — for having the highest numbers of patient infections and potentially avoidable complications. The penalties —... Read more