November 12, 2024
Retirees Applaud House of Representatives’ Passage of Social Security Fairness Act
The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding House passage of the Social Security Fairness Act, H.R. 82:
“Tonight the U.S. House of Representatives voted to correct a serious injustice involving Social Security benefits that has been a problem for decades. Retirees congratulate lawmakers on taking this much needed action.
“The Government Pension Offset (GPO) and Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) unfairly reduce Social Security benefits for public sector retirees who receive a public pension — or the spouse or survivor of a Social Security beneficiary — who worked in a job not covered by the Social Security program.
“By passing H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act, the House voted to fix two unfair provisions that are currently being used to calculate benefits.
“The GPO and WEP cause an unnecessary hardship for 2.8 million retired and disabled Americans. It is fundamentally unjust that public employees who earned Social Security credits and benefits through non-government employment cannot receive the full benefits from their work.
“Many Alliance members and other retirees are seeing their Social Security benefits reduced by hundreds of dollars a month. The economic harm to their quality of life cannot be overstated.
“The House took the first step in fixing these unreasonable provisions. Now we need the U.S. Senate to follow suit and pass the Social Security Fairness Act as soon as possible.”
Contact: David Blank,
It is a great day for American Seniors. Thank you House of Representatives for Passage of HR 82.
No time to rest! We must contact our Senators with an overwhelming message. Vote in support of SB 597!
62 Senate Cosponsors! We have the votes!
Light up their switchboard all day today!
Thanks to all who had anything to do with passing HR82 and now I ask our Senators to follow suit and do the same for all Retirees of this fine country that we call home. It would be great to have you show your support for those of us who have no idea where our next meal is coming from or even if we will be able to afford our medicine for tomorrow . Please consider just how much better our lives would be with the passage of
I would be happy to donate , but not with a credit card. Give me an address so I can send a check
Thank you for asking! Please send donations to our processing Center:
Alliance for Retired Americans
Processing Center
PO Box 96550, Washington DC 20090
I’m 87yrs old on Social Security $1700.00 will drop to$800.00 a month I don’t know what I will do. I don’t have any place to go. Maybe kill myself?
Please don’t do that! What are you basing that math on?