All posts by rebecca

U.S. Supreme Court Dismisses Challenge to the Affordable Care Act

In a 7-2 decision, the Supreme Court rejected a lawsuit brought by the state of Texas to overturn the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This is the third time that the Supreme Court has upheld the law which provides health insurance for millions of Americans. Justice Breyer, writing ... Read more

Government Panel: Higher Drug Prices, not More Prescriptions, Are Driving Higher Medicare Spending

Medicare’s spending on prescription drugs increased by 26% between 2013 and 2018 -- and high drug prices are to blame -- according to a new report from the Medicare Advisory Payment Commission (MedPAC). The expert report rebuts the pharmaceutical industry’s claim that high... Read more

Device Makers Have Funneled Billions to Orthopedic Surgeons Who Use Their Products

Dr. Kingsley R. Chin was little more than a decade out of Harvard Medical School when sales of his spine surgical implants took off. Chin has patented more than 40 pieces of such hardware, including doughnut-shaped plastic cages, titanium screws and other products used to repa... Read more

New Alzheimer’s Drug Approved as Debate Heats Up Over Its Cost, Effectiveness

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently authorized Aduhelm, a controversial new Alzheimer's disease treatment created by Biogen. Aduhelm is the first new treatment approved for Alzheimer’s after a nearly 20-year hiatus in new therapies for the condition. It is projected... Read more

Biden Budget Includes Funds to Boost Social Security’s Customer Service

The Social Security Administration (SSA) would receive a $1.3 billion — or 9.7% — increase if President Joe Biden's FY 2022 budget is adopted. The President has requested a total of $14.2 billion for SSA, and Commissioner Andrew Saul stated in the agency's budget review that ... Read more

Drug Prices Rose at Twice the Inflation Rate in 2020

Leading House Democrats this week said they'll try to incorporate the Elijah E. Cummings Lower Drug Costs Now Act (H.R. 3) — the bill that allows Medicare to directly negotiate reduced medication costs — into whatever infrastructure and jobs plan Congress hammers out over the... Read more

Tell Postal Officials to Stop the Mail Slowdown

Postmaster General Louis DeJoy wants to permanently implement slower mail delivery and weaken services. Submit a comment to help stop him.... Read more

Members of Congress Suggest Expanding Medicare Telehealth Options

Early on in the pandemic, the federal government expanded telehealth services covered under traditional Medicare on a temporary, emergency basis. Before, only patients who lived in rural areas could access telehealth options from certain providers and under certain conditions. Mo... Read more

Hearing Exposes Greed of Drug Corporation AbbVie

According to a study released on May 18 by the U.S. House Oversight and Reform Committee, the pharmaceutical corporation AbbVie has raised prices 470% in the United States for its widely used drugs Humira and Imbruvica over the past two decades. The price increases boosted the co... Read more