All posts by rebecca

Growing Number of Public Health Experts Recommend Upgrading Masks

Cloth masks may have protected you during the early stages of the coronavirus pandemic, but with the rise of the Delta variant many public health officials are now advising people to use higher-quality masks. Americans are advised to use the best masks available to them as the De... Read more

Tell President Biden to Take the First Steps to Save USPS

USPS leadership must put its mission of delivering critical goods and services to Americans first. You can sign our petition to tell President Biden that he must take steps to ensure that happens and save the Post Office.... Read more

Bipartisan Infrastructure Deal Passes Senate

Earlier in the week on Tuesday, after much debate, the Senate passed a $1 trillion bipartisan infrastructure package on a 69-30 vote, with 19 Republicans joining the united 50 Democrats. The package included funding for traditional infrastructure projects, such as repairing r... Read more

Retirees Applaud President Biden’s Forceful Call for Action to Lower Prescription Drug Prices

On Thursday, President Biden made remarks from the East Room of the White House to urge Congress to pass legislation that would allow Medicare to negotiate drug prices, a policy the Alliance has been advocating for since its launch in 2001. The President is also calling for a ... Read more

Alliance Says “Expand, Don’t Cut” Social Security as Anniversary Approaches

With Social Security’s 86th anniversary coming up tomorrow -- Saturday, August 14 -- the Arizona Alliance continued the summer celebrations of Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid on Thursday. This year the Arizona chapter’s event featured the virtual presentation of the 20... Read more

Tell Congress to Mark Social Security’s 86th Birthday by Expanding It

It's Social Security's 86th birthday this year! You can sign our petition to tell Congress to mark the occasion by expanding this earned benefit so older Americans can continue to rely on it.... Read more

Alliance Members Continue to Commemorate Medicare, Social Security Anniversaries

U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (NY) both participated in a Celebration of Progress, recognizing the anniversaries of the enactment of Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid and the Americans with Disabilities Act last Friday, July 30, on Medica... Read more

Alliance Poll: Seniors Would Cross Party Lines to Vote for Candidates Who Support Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

More than 70 percent of voters over age 65 say they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who favors allowing Medicare to negotiate with drug corporations to lower prescription drug prices, including strong majorities across party lines, according to a poll released Tuesda... Read more

Retirees Mourn the Death of AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka

The 4.4 million members of the Alliance for Retired Americans are united in mourning the untimely death of Richard Trumka, President of the AFL-CIO. He was 72. “Richard Trumka was a legendary labor leader and he was also my friend. Working people had no more committed advoca... Read more