All posts by rebecca

Analysis Illustrates How Eliminating the Payroll Tax Cap Could Substantially Improve Social Security’s Future

The 2021 Social Security Trustees Report states that the Trust Fund can pay full benefits through 2033, and a new Center for Economic and Policy Research (CEPR) analysis lays out several options for ensuring that all beneficiaries receive full benefits beyond that date. The an... Read more

Social Security Benefits Will Increase by Almost 6 Percent in 2022

Social Security beneficiaries, disabled veterans and federal retirees will see their earned benefits increase by 5.9% in January, marking the largest increase in almost four decades. The cost-of-living adjustment (COLA) will amount to an additional $92 a month for the average ret... Read more

USPS Postal Banking Pilot Launched in Four Cities

The United States Postal Service (USPS) has begun a paycheck-cashing service pilot program in several locations across the East Coast, where patrons can cash paychecks for Visa gift cards up to $500. Postal customers can redeem paychecks in Washington, DC; Baltimore; Falls Church... Read more

Forty-nine Democratic Senators Introduce Voting Rights Legislation

Senate Democrats introduced legislation on Tuesday, October 5, aimed at restoring voting protections that were lost in two Supreme Court decisions over the course of the last decade. Sen. Patrick Leahy (VT) introduced the “John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act,” S. 4, a... Read more

Alliance Members Speak Out for Drug Price Negotiation and Expanded Medicare Benefits

On Wednesday, October 6, a group of health care advocates including the Florida Alliance (FLARA), medical professionals, and faith leaders held a virtual event urging Rep. Stephanie Murphy (FL), another House Democrat who has opposed drug price negotiation, to support lowering pr... Read more

Drug Corporations Kick Lobbying into High Gear to Stop Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

Millions of dollars in advertising, funded by pharmaceutical corporations and business organizations, are being spent to block President Biden’s Build Back Better plan, and the provision allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices and expand benefits is a focus of many of ... Read more

Fred Redmond is New Alliance Executive Vice President

AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer Fred Redmond was named Executive Vice President of the Alliance for Retired Americans on Tuesday, succeeding Liz Shuler in the position after she was elected President of the AFL-CIO in August. Mr. Redmond was previously the Chairman of the AFL-CIO Old... Read more

Extreme Wealth Inequality at All Ages is Tied to Retirement Struggles for Many Americans

Researchers with the National Institute on Retirement Security have found stark wealth inequality among members of the Baby Boom generation, which they defined as Americans aged 55-73. The entire bottom half of Baby Boomers held only 2% of their generation’s wealth in 2019, ... Read more

CEOs Against Medicare Price Negotiation Were Paid $400 Million Collectively Last Year

The fight over allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, and use the savings to expand guaranteed dental, hearing and vision benefits, continued in earnest on Capitol Hill this week. Executives from 33 pharmaceutical corporations sent a letter to Congress reiterating t... Read more