All posts by rebecca

Biden-Harris Administration Acts to Lower Prices for 27 Drugs

On Wednesday, the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS), announced 27 prescription drugs for which Medicare Part B beneficiary coinsurances may be lower from April 1 – June 30, 2023. Due to President Biden... Read more

Congress Reintroduces Protecting the Right to Organize Act

Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) and Reps. Bobby Scott (D-VA) and Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA) introduced the Richard L. Trumka Protecting the Right to Organize (PRO) Act (H.R. 20 in the House), which would restore the right of workers to freely and fairly form a union and bargain together... Read more

Alliance Marks Scrap the Cap Day

People earning one million dollars or more each year stopped contributing to Social Security for the rest of 2023 on February 28. For 2023, Social Security taxes are only paid on the first $160,200 of wage income. Several members of Congress have introduced bills this year tha... Read more

Insulin Prices Cut for More Patients as Eli Lilly Caves to Pressure

Drug corporation Eli Lilly announced Wednesday that it will cap out-of-pocket patient costs for its two most popular insulin drugs, Humalog and Humulin, at $35 a month. Patients with private insurance and who use participating pharmacies will pay the new, lower prices. Allianc... Read more

Position Paper: PRO Act

The labor movement has been, and continues to be, the leading force in the fight to strengthen Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid, ensuring a measure of retirement security for all Americans. Our country, our democracy and our people benefit when workers have a strong voice a... Read more

Tell Congress to Save Social Security

Even though the extremist Republicans stood during the State of the Union to supposedly show “support” for Social Security and Medicare, they are scheming to cut our earned benefits. They aren’t even keeping it a secret, going on television to promote their wacky plans and ... Read more

Caregiving Crisis Looms as Number of Older Americans Soars

Experts examining numbers from the U.S. Census predict that long term care issues will become more serious as Americans live longer, given a national shortage of workers who provide caregiving services. At the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic, in early 2020, about 4.5 million A... Read more

Battle Over ‘Orphan Drugs’ Leads to Higher Drug Prices

An “orphan drug” is a designation that rewards drug corporations for developing treatments for rare diseases. When a drugmaker wins approval for an orphan drug, the company is entitled to seven years of exclusive rights to the marketplace, which means the Food and Drug Admini... Read more

Steps to Hold Medicare Advantage Accountable are Not Cuts, Experts Say

Two announcements by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) related to Medicare Advantage — an alternative to original Medicare, primarily run by major insurance companies — have brought additional discussion about Medicare cuts. Insurance companies that spon... Read more