July 06, 2020

Retiree Group Endorses Long for U.S. House

For Immediate Release
July 6, 2020

Cites Commitment to Expanding and Protecting Earned Social Security and Medicare Benefits

Vancouver, WA – Members of the Alliance for Retired Americans proudly announced their endorsement of Carolyn Long for election to the U.S. House of Representatives from Washington’s 3rd Congressional District today.

“Carolyn Long has been a community leader for more than two decades and shares our goal of retirement security for all Americans. She will listen to the concerns of every Washingtonian and fight for us,” said Jackie Boschok, President of the Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans. “She has committed to strengthen Medicare and expand Social Security by making the wealthiest Americans pay their fair share into the system. Retirees have earned these benefits over a lifetime of hard work. We  need a representative in Washington who will fight to protect our earned benefits, not cut them.”

“I am honored to be endorsed by the Alliance for Retired Americans in this run for Congress. I will be a Representative who puts Southwest Washington first, and always fights to protect and expand access to affordable health care and lower the cost of prescription drugs. I’m committed to protecting and preserving Social Security and Medicare, because we must ensure our seniors have access to their earned benefits.”

Ms. Long is challenging Rep. Jaime Herrera Butler, who has earned a lifetime score of just 14% on the annual Alliance for Retired Americans Congressional Voting Record, which looks at key votes affecting older Americans.


The Washington State Alliance for Retired Americans has more than 92,000 members across the state, and works to educate , mobilize and advocate for retirement security for all.

Contact: Jackie Boschok, WSARAPresident@Hotmail.com

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