September 26, 2024

Retiree Group Endorses Janelle Bynum for Election to U.S. House

Cites Her Commitment to Strengthening and Increasing Earned Social Security and Medicare Benefits

Happy Valley, OR – The Alliance for Retired Americans proudly announced its endorsement of Janelle Bynum for election to the U.S House from Oregon’s 5th Congressional District today. The Alliance is a grassroots advocacy organization with more than 4.4 million members, including more than 5,700 in Oregon’s 5th CD.

“Janelle Bynum understands the challenges facing older Americans, and retirees in Oregon can be confident that she will fight for our interests in Congress,” said Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans. “She’s in a great position to defeat Rep. Lori Chavez-DeRemer, who has earned a lifetime score of just 10% in the Alliance for Retired Americans annual Congressional Voting Record.”

“We trust Janelle to work to strengthen and increase our hard earned Social Security and Medicare benefits. She knows that more than 917,000 Oregonians rely on Social Security benefits every month,” Fiesta continued.

“I am honored to have the support of the Alliance for Retired Americans. Our seniors have worked hard their entire lives, and I’m committed to ensuring they can retire with dignity. Strengthening Social Security and Medicare isn’t just about protecting programs — it’s about keeping our promises to those who built this country. I will always fight to protect these benefits from cuts and ensure every Oregonian can age with security and respect,” said Ms. Bynum.

Rep. Chavez-DeRemer opposed legislation to lower drug costs by requiring Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices for seniors; cap out-of-pocket drug costs at $2,000 a year; cap insulin copays at $35 per month; and make necessary vaccines free for all Medicare beneficiaries. Ms. Bynum supports the legislation and also supports expanding Medicare price negotiation.

Rep. Chavez-DeRemer has also supported making severe funding cuts, beginning with a 22% decrease to all federal agencies, that would lead to closures of numerous Social Security field offices, worsen Social Security and Medicare assistance wait times, and cut access to programs like Meals on Wheels.

“The stakes couldn’t be higher for seniors like me. We need Janelle Bynum in the House fighting against any Republican plan to cut Social Security and Medicare,” added Mr. Fiesta. “That’s why Janelle Bynum is the obvious choice for Oregon seniors.”


Contact: David Blank,


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