All posts by rebecca

2023 OAM Toolkit Lobbying Materials

Lobbying Materials We included a presentation on our earned benefits, a legislative calendar, talking points, an event planning guide, a report back form, and sample letters to the editor to support your mobilization efforts. Read more... Read more

Today is Workers Memorial Day

Workers Memorial Day is today, April 28, and the labor movement is observing the occasion by remembering workers killed, injured, or made ill on the job while renewing the fight for strong safety and health protections. More than 50 years ago on April 28, the Occupational Safe... Read more

Position Paper: Threats to Social Security

For decades Social Security has delivered guaranteed, lifetime benefits on time and without interruption to generations of Americans. Beneficiaries earn their Social Security, contributing into the system with every paycheck. Sixty-five million older Americans, people with dis... Read more

Social Security: Our Earned Benefits

 Want to help save Social Security? Click here to sign our petition telling Congress to take action.   ... Read more

Biden Event Provides Sharp Contrast with House GOP Proposals

Alliance Executive Director Richard Fiesta joined President Biden in Accokeek, Maryland Wednesday as Biden derided Republicans’ plans to raise the nation’s debt limit only in exchange for spending cuts and other policy concessions. The week’s events, which began with McC... Read more

OMB: Rescinding COVID Funds as Part of Debt Limit Deal is an Attack on Pensions

Last Friday, the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) released their monthly report detailing the unspent COVID money – $70 billion of American Rescue Plan (ARP) funds — that House Republicans want to cut as part of a debt limit deal. Two-thirds of the money, ... Read more

McCarthy Goes After Most Vulnerable Americans as Condition for Raising the Debt Ceiling

Speaker Kevin McCarthy has released a plan to raise the national debt limit by $1.5 trillion in exchange for an array of drastic budget cuts across dozens of domestic programs, setting off a frantic attempt in the House to gather GOP votes. The Republican proposal includes famili... Read more

Alliance Announces Partnership with National United Committee to Protect Pensions

This week the Alliance and the National United Committee to Protect Pensions (NUCPP) Board of Directors announced a partnership to address the nation’s retirement security crisis. “With politicians, despite their denials, trying to slash our hard earned Social Security ben... Read more

America’s Work Force Podcast: Rich Fiesta on the Debt Ceiling Crisis and Our Earned Benefits

Alliance Executive Director Richard Fiesta appeared on the April 21 episode of America's Work Force Union Podcast, where he discussed the GOP's debt ceiling plan, its dangerous implications for Social Security and Medicare, and other destructive policies like raising the retireme... Read more