All posts by rebecca

Senior Lobby Day in Connecticut

Come join Connecticut Alliance for Retired Americans members as they lobby for senior issues at the Connecticut State Capitol. Location: Connecticut State Capitol, 210 Capitol Ave, Hartford, CT 06106, USA Time: Wednesday, April 8, 2018 at 9:30 AM RSVP: https://actionn... Read more

What’s Happening to Your Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid?

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Pennsylvania District 18 GOTV

Alliance staff and members helped with the Get Out the Vote effort for Pennsylvania's congressional district 18 special election on March 13, 2018: [Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="45" gal_title="PA 18 GOTV"]  ... Read more

Pennsylvania House District 18 Phone Bank

Voters will choose a representative for Pennsylvania’s 18th House District during a special election on Tuesday, March 13th. The Pennsylvania AFL-CIO has endorsed candidate Conor Lamb because he is a champion for retirees and working families. The Pennsylvania Alliance for R... Read more

Working People’s Day of Action

The Supreme Court will hear arguments on Janus v. AFSCME, a case funded by wealthy interests to further rig the system, on February 26th. The right of our fellow workers to unionize and build a better life must not go undefended. We will be rallying, along with our AFSCME and... Read more

Stop Alex Azar’s Confirmation

The Senate Finance Committee approved President Trump's HHS secretary nominee, Alex Azar, paving the way for him to get full clearance from Senate. His ties with Big Pharma and his positions on Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act make him a dangerous candidate. Call your lawmake... Read more

Wisconsin 2018 Gubernatorial Candidate Forum

The forum is hosted by the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans, the Wisconsin AFL-CIO, the Wisconsin Farmers Union, and AFSCME Subchapter 63. Scot Ross, from One Wisconsin Now, will moderate the event, and the following candidates are scheduled to speak: Mahlon Mitch... Read more

Rally Against Unfair Tax Plan

Republicans are set to unveil their tax bill this week, and a U.S. House vote could happen as early as November 13. The time for action is now. Join us, and notable speakers like Senator Elizabeth Warren, to protest this destructive bill on Wednesday, November 1, at 1 PM. H... Read more