All posts by rebecca

Petition to Expand Social Security

Retirees have earned their Social Security benefits over a lifetime of hard work. Sign our petition to demand that Congress take action to protect and expand Social Security so it can continue to be there for current and future generations.  ... Read more

KHN: As the Vulnerable Wait, Some Political Leaders’ Spouses Get Covid Vaccines

By Laura Ungar With supplies of covid-19 vaccines scarce, a federal advisory panel recommends first putting shots into the arms of health care workers, who keep the nation’s medical system running, and long-term care residents most likely to die from the coronavirus. Now... Read more

KHN: Seniors Face Crushing Drug Costs as Congress Stalls on Capping Medicare Out-Of-Pockets

Sharon Clark is able to get her life-sustaining cancer drug, Pomalyst — priced at more than $18,000 for a 28-day supply — only because of the generosity of patient assistance foundations. Clark, 57, a former insurance agent who lives in Bixby, Oklahoma, had to stop working... Read more

Sign the Petition to Hold President Trump Accountable

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Alliance for Retired Americans – Georgia phone bank

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2020 GA Runoff Election

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Seniors for Biden GOTV Teletown Hall with Secretary Hillary Rodham Clinton

On Wednesday, October 29, the Alliance hosted a GOTV teletown hall call with members in 17 battleground states. President Robert Roach opened the discussion. Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton spoke and answered questions from the audience. AFSCME President Lee Saunders... Read more

Seniors for Biden Retiree Union Phone Bank

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Seniors for Biden Retiree Union Phone Bank

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