All posts by rebecca

Mounting Evidence Demonstrates Need for Action on High Drug Prices

As the House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Health held a hearing on a bill requiring Medicare to negotiate lower drug prices, a new report found that the pharmaceutical industry spent $92 million on lobbying Congress during the first three months of 2021. This disclosure... Read more

Media Coverage of Florida Alliance for Retired Americans’ Lawsuit Over Voting Restrictions

Press Releases Federal Judge Finds Florida Voting Law Unconstitutional in Case Brought by the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans and Others, March 31 Florida Alliance’s Lawsuit Against the State’s Restrictive Voting Law Goes to Court, February 4 Florida Alliance Su... Read more

Florida Alliance Sues State of Florida to Protect Voting Rights

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis (R) signed a sweeping new voter suppression bill on Thursday that restricts access to the ballot box for millions of voters. As soon as the legislation was signed into law, the Florida Alliance for Retired Americans, the League of Women Voters of Flo... Read more

KHN: Time to Say Goodbye to Some Insurers’ Waivers for Covid Treatment Fees

Just as other industries are rolling back some consumer-friendly changes made early in the pandemic — think empty middle seats on airplanes — so, too, are health insurers. Many voluntarily waived  all deductibles, copayments and other costs for insured patients who fell i... Read more

News: Sen. Romney, Rep. Gallagher Re-Introduce the TRUST Act

On Wednesday, Sen. Mitt Romney (UT) and Rep. Mike Gallagher (WI) introduced the “Time to Rescue United States’ Trusts” (TRUST) Act as stand alone bills in the U.S. Senate and House (S.1295 and H.R. 2575), reviving a threat to the retirement security of hundreds of millions ... Read more

News: COVID Scams Targeting Seniors Continue Despite a Majority of Seniors Being Vaccinated

The COVID-19 pandemic has been accompanied by a parallel outbreak of coronavirus scams, many targeting older Americans. As of April 13, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) had logged nearly 452,000 consumer complaints related to COVID-19 and stimulus payments, many of them invo... Read more

News: White House Budget Includes Increased Funding for SSA, Alzheimer’s Research

President Biden unveiled his first budget request last Friday, and it calls for $14.2 billion in funding for the Social Security Administration (SSA), an increase of 11% over the current budget. The budget includes $895 million in additional funding to strengthen SSA customer ... Read more

Tell Congress to Strengthen Medicare and Lower Drug Prices

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KHN: Biden Seeks $400 Billion to Buttress Long-Term Care. A Look at What’s at Stake.

There’s widespread agreement that it’s important to help older adults and people with disabilities remain independent as long as possible. But are we prepared to do what’s necessary, as a nation, to make this possible? That’s the challenge President Joe Biden has put f... Read more