All posts by rebecca

Media Coverage of Voto Latino, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, and Texas AFT’s Lawsuit to Protect All Texans’ Right to Vote

Press Releases Voto Latino, Texas Alliance for Retired Americans, Texas AFT File Lawsuit to Protect All Texans’ Right to Vote, September 7 Media Coverage Four groups file lawsuit to block controversial Texas election bill Fox7-Austin, September 7, 2021 "Extremist": Civil... Read more

Social Security’s Finances Remain Strong, Annual Trustees Reports Show

The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding the Trustees reports on the Social Security and Medicare Trust Funds released today: “Social Security remains strong and solvent with enough money to cov... Read more

Apple, Bose and Others Pump Up the Volume on Hearing Aid Options, Filling Void Left by FDA

Spurred by decades of complaints about the high cost of hearing aids, Congress passed a law in 2017 to allow over-the-counter sales, with hopes it would boost competition and lower prices. Four years later, federal regulators have yet to issue rules to implement the law. B... Read more

Older Workers Struggling to Stay in Workforce

As Americans work longer into their lives due to the extremely high cost of retirement, workers continue to face age discrimination. While some economists posit that COVID is responsible for many Americans retiring against their wishes and earlier than they had expected, this cur... Read more

House Passes the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act

On Tuesday, the House passed the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4) with a 219-to-212 vote. Rep. Terri Sewell (AL) introduced the bill earlier this month and more than 190 members signed on as co-sponsors. The bill reinstates key portions of the 1965 Voting R... Read more

Nabisco Workers Go On Strike in Five States to Fight Offshoring, Preserve Pension Benefits

Nabisco employees, represented by the Bakery, Confectionery, Tobacco Workers and Grain Millers International Union (BCTGM) are on strike to protest offshoring of jobs to Mexico as well as requiring 10-hour workdays without overtime pay. Workers are also demanding that Nabisco’s... Read more

House Passes Budget Resolution Agreement

The House passed a $3.5 trillion budget blueprint on Tuesday with a 220-212 party-line vote, paving the way for Democrats to pass a robust spending package that will invest in families, retirees, and seniors. The package will include allowing Medicare to negotiate lower drug pric... Read more

KHN: After Pandemic Ravaged Nursing Homes, New State Laws Protect Residents

When the coronavirus hit Martha Leland’s Connecticut nursing home last year, she and dozens of other residents contracted the disease while the facility was on lockdown. Twenty-eight residents died, including her roommate. “The impact of not having friends and family come ... Read more

Action Needed: Demand That Your Senators Protect Our Vote

The right to vote is under siege, with extremist state legislatures passing dozens of laws to try to keep people from voting. On Tuesday this week, the U.S. House of Representatives introduced H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, which would restore key aspects o... Read more