All posts by rebecca

ACTION NEEDED: Tell CMS that Nursing Homes Need More Staff to Keep Residents Safe

The health and safety of nursing homes residents is put at risk when there are not sufficient nurses and aides to meet their needs. Currently, the number of staff in 7 in 10 nursing homes’ staffing levels is below the level experts have determined is necessary to prevent reside... Read more

House Budget Committee Holds “Fiscal Commission” Hearing

On Thursday, the House Budget Committee held a full committee hearing entitled "Sounding the Alarm: Examining the Need for a Fiscal Commission." Led by Republican Chairman Jodey Arrington (TX), the hearing primarily focused on why a fiscal debt commission is necessary. Republi... Read more

WSARA 2023 Convention

The WA State Chapter of the Alliance for Retired Americans (WSARA) held its 2023 Annual Convention in person on September 12. Laurie Weidner from the Retired Public Employees Council of WA and Rick Olson from Steelworkers Organization of Active Retirees were both re-elected to ne... Read more

KFF Health News: Save Billions or Stick With Humira? Drug Brokers Steer Americans to the Costly Choice

Tennessee last year spent $48 million on a single drug, Humira — about $62,000 for each of the 775 patients who were covered by its employee health insurance program and receiving the treatment. So when nine Humira knockoffs, known as biosimilars, hit the market for as little a... Read more

America’s Work Force Union Podcast: Medicare Drug Price Negotiations Continue to Impact Retirees

September 15, 2023 Alliance Executive Director Rich Fiesta joined the America’s Work Force Union Podcast to discuss the fight for Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices, the impact on retirees and the need for Social Security expansion. You can click above or on ... Read more

FDA Expected to Greenlight a New Covid Booster

With the fast approaching fall and winter months — meaning more time spent indoors — the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention are prepared to soon approve an updated Covid booster shot. The FDA could greenlight this updated version a... Read more

Pleasant Surprise: Medicare’s Per Person Spending Has Stopped Skyrocketing

Spending per Medicare beneficiary has nearly leveled off over more than a decade — but for unknown reasons. The lower per-person cost could have to do with the Affordable Care Act, fewer heart attacks, or the recent lack of new blockbuster treatments. In fact, if Medicare sp... Read more

President Biden, AFL-CIO President Shuler Mark Labor Day with Rallies in Philadelphia, Detroit

President Biden celebrated both unions and his job creation record during a Labor Day appearance at a rally at the Sheet Metal Workers Local 19 in Philadelphia Monday. He noted that there are nearly 13,500,000 new jobs in the country since he was sworn in, including 800,000 new m... Read more

Alliance Members Spread the Word about the Benefits of Medicare Drug Price Negotiation

Days after the Biden-Harris administration unveiled the list of 10 prescription drugs that will be subject to Medicare price negotiation, Alliance members across the country joined elected leaders and Cabinet officials to inform older Americans about this important development. ... Read more