All posts by rebecca

Richard Fiesta Addresses APWU Retirees in Maryland

Executive Director Fiesta was in National Harbor, Maryland Saturday to address the American Postal Workers Union (APWU) Retirees Conference. During his presentation he discussed the senior vote in the 2022 midterm elections and the Alliance's Medicare and Social Security annivers... Read more

Alliance Celebrates Social Security’s Anniversary in the Face of Threats to the Program

Alliance members commemorated the 87th anniversary of Social Security on August 14 and throughout the month as a growing number of Republican candidates and elected officials call for dramatic changes to the earned benefits program. Threats include requiring it to be re-approved ... Read more

Arizona Alliance, Priorities USA and Voto Latino Challenge Arizona Voter Suppression Law

The Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, Priorities USA and Voto Latino announced a legal challenge to Arizona SB 1260. The bill radically alters Arizona’s voting laws by threatening the ability of Arizonans to cast a ballot if they have previously registered to vote in anot... Read more

Alliance Mourns the Death of Jo Etta Brown

Jo Etta Brown, who served as Alliance Executive Vice President from 2014 until this year, passed away on Saturday in Nevada after a long career of fighting for seniors and civil rights. “Jo Etta was beloved not just for her commitment to social justice, but for her warmth an... Read more

Media Coverage of Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, Priorities USA and Voto Latino Challenge to Arizona Voter Suppression Law

Press Releases Arizona Alliance for Retired Americans, Priorities USA and Voto Latino Challenge Arizona Voter Suppression Law, August 16 Media Coverage Voting groups fight to block law that can criminalize Arizona voter registration Tuscon Sentinel and Courthouse News Service... Read more

Media Coverage of Georgia Alliance for Retired Americans’ Lawsuit Over “Wet Signature” Rule

Press Releases Priorities USA, Georgia Alliance for Retired Americans, File Legal Challenge to Georgia’s “Wet Signature” Absentee Ballot Application Requirement, May 2 Media Coverage Georgia setting records for early voters as lawsuits challenging elections play... Read more

Anti-Retiree GOP Candidates Win Primaries

Many candidates who advanced in primaries this week can be added to the list of those running this November who have publicly attacked Social Security and Medicare, including in important races like Arizona and Washington. Blake Masters, a Trump-backed candidate who won the Re... Read more

Letter to Senators on Reconciliation

Below is the language of a letter the Alliance sent to U.S. Senators on August 2 regarding the reconciliation package called the "Inflation Reduction Act." You can also read the full letter here. Dear Senator: The Alliance for Retired Americans, a grassroots organization wi... Read more

Social Security Anniversary

87 years ago, President Roosevelt signed the Social Security Act into law. Since then, Social Security has lifted millions of seniors out of poverty. Nearly 65 million Americans receive monthly benefits. ... Read more