All posts by david

KFF Health News: In Older Adults, a Little Excess Weight Isn’t Such a Bad Thing

Millions of people enter later life carrying an extra 10 to 15 pounds, weight they’ve gained after having children, developing joint problems, becoming less active, or making meals the center of their social lives. Should they lose this modest extra weight to optimize their ... Read more

Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans and Priorities USA File Legal Challenge to Absentee Ballot Restrictions in Wisconsin

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, Priorities USA and the Wisconsin Alliance for Retired Americans filed a legal challenge to three provisions of Wisconsin election law that place unnecessary restrictions on casting absentee ballots. The filing seeks to provide relief to voters impacted... Read more

What You Need to Know About the Drug Price Fight in Those TV Ads

In recent months ominous ads about prescription drugs have flooded the TV airwaves. Perhaps by design, it’s not always clear who’s sponsoring the ads or why. Or, for that matter, why now? The short answer is that Congress is paying attention. House and Senate members fr... Read more

KFF Health News: Why the Next Big Hope for Alzheimer’s Might Not Help Most Black Patients

The FDA on Thursday gave full approval to what many scientists and doctors believe is the first drug to show promise of slowing the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. But while patient advocates are celebrating, critics see it as the unfortunate triumph of a flawed theory o... Read more

KFF Health News: Will the Doctor See You Now? The Health System’s Changing Landscape

Lucia Agajanian, a 25-year-old freelance film producer in Chicago, doesn’t have a specific primary care doctor, preferring the convenience of visiting a local clinic for flu shots or going online for video visits. “You say what you need, and there’s a 15-minute wait time,â€... Read more

KFF Health News: Dementia Can Take a Toll on Financial Health, as Some Families Learn the Hard Way

Angela Reynolds knew her mother’s memory was slipping, but she didn’t realize how bad things had gotten until she started to untangle her mom’s finances: unpaid bills, unusual cash withdrawals, and the discovery that, oddly, the mortgage on the family home had been refinanc... Read more

KFF: Biden Admin Implores States to Slow Medicaid Cuts After More Than 1M Enrollees Dropped

Too many Americans are losing Medicaid coverage because of red tape, and states should do more to make sure eligible people keep their health insurance, the Biden administration said Monday. More than a million Americans have lost coverage through the program for low-income an... Read more

KFF: As Medicaid Purge Begins, ‘Staggering Numbers’ of Americans Lose Coverage

More than 600,000 Americans have lost Medicaid coverage since pandemic protections ended on April 1. And a KFF Health News analysis of state data shows the vast majority were removed from state rolls for not completing paperwork. Under normal circumstances, states review their... Read more

Merck Lawsuit Over Drug Price Negotiation Reflects Industry Greed and Disregard for Seniors and Taxpayers

The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding Merck’s filing a lawsuit to block Medicare from negotiating lower drug prices on behalf of the American people.  “Merck’s ridiculous lawsuit is the ... Read more