All posts by david

KFF Health News: With Trump Front of Mind, New Hampshire Voters Cite Abortion and Obamacare as Concerns

HANOVER, N.H. — Health care issues are important to Lana Leggett-Kealey, who works as a genetic genealogist. But on Tuesday, as she walked out of her polling place at a local high school and into a frigid New England morning, she said she had something bigger on her mind when s... Read more

Retiree Group Endorses Tom Suozzi for Election to U.S. House

Cites Commitment to Expanding and Protecting Earned Social Security and Medicare Benefits, Lowering Drug Prices Levittown, NY - Members of the Alliance for Retired Americans proudly announced their endorsement of Tom Suozzi for election to the U.S. House of Representatives fr... Read more

KFF Health News: Dodging the Medicare Enrollment Deadline Can Be Costly

Angela M. Du Bois, a retired software tester in Durham, North Carolina, wasn’t looking to replace her UnitedHealthcare Medicare Advantage plan. She wasn’t concerned as the Dec. 7 deadline approached for choosing another of the privately run health insurance alternatives to or... Read more

Uncle Sam Wants You … to Help Stop Insurers’ Bogus Medicare Advantage Sales Tactics

After an unprecedented crackdown on misleading advertising claims by insurers selling private Medicare Advantage and drug plans, the Biden administration hopes to unleash a special weapon to make sure companies follow the new rules: you. Officials at the Centers for Medicare &... Read more

KFF Health News: Facing Financial Ruin as Costs Soar for Elder Care

Margaret Newcomb, 69, a retired French teacher, is desperately trying to protect her retirement savings by caring for her 82-year-old husband, who has severe dementia, at home in Seattle. She used to fear his disease-induced paranoia, but now he’s so frail and confused that he ... Read more

KFF Health News: Let’s Have an Honest Conversation About What to Expect as You Age

How many of us have wanted a reliable, evidence-based guide to aging that explains how our bodies and minds change as we grow older and how to adapt to those differences? Creating a work of this kind is challenging. For one thing, aging gradually alters people over decades, a ... Read more

Statement by Retiree Leader Richard Fiesta on House Speaker Mike Johnson’s Plan for a Debt Commission

The following statement was issued by Richard Fiesta, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans, regarding Speaker Mike Johnson's record of voting against older Americans’ best interests and his announcement that he plans to create a bipartisan "debt commission."... Read more

KFF Health News: Medicare Enrollees Can Switch Coverage Now. Here’s What’s New and What to Consider.

Consumers know it’s fall when stores start offering Halloween candy and flu shots — and airwaves and mailboxes are filled with advertisements for Medicare options. It’s annual open enrollment time again for the 65 million Americans covered by Medicare, the federal heal... Read more

KFF Health News: Trump Misplaced Blame When He Said Drug Shortages Were Biden’s Fault

“Under ‘Crooked Joe’ Biden, there has been a catastrophic increase in shortages of essential medicines.” -  Former president and current Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, in a July 24 campaign video In a recent campaign video, former President Donald T... Read more